Editing, Author Coaching, and Website Design

About me.

Robert Roughton

My background is in senior management with Australian and multinational corporations in high technology industries.

Recent roles at Apple Inc. include Communications Specialist for Global Performance Systems and more recently, Global Vendor Strategy Implementation and Vendor Alliance Manager Asia-Pacific.

My academic achievements include a Master of Management, MBA, and Master of Arts (Writing)

How May I Help You?

I offer a range of services to fit your plans and budget.

Line/Copy Editing

After completing your masterpiece, the first step for many writers is to engage a professional editor to correct spelling and grammar errors and suggest other potential improvements.
An editor will certainly help you with spelling and grammar issues, but a good editor will also review your work for consistency and clarity and help strengthen your ideas.

With the eBook and print-on-demand publishing revolution, it’s easier than ever for people to fulfill their dream of publishing a book. Publishing has never been more affordable.

But you can’t edit or proofread your own book, or have well-meaning friends and relatives take on this essential task. You need professional eyes to look over your work and assist you to develop it to the best it can be

I am an experienced editor and proofreader, working in United States, United Kingdom, Australian, and New Zealand English at the author’s request.

Unlike many editors, I do not dictate work must be submitted in the common .doc/x Word file format, preferring to work in the file format the author is most comfortable with wherever possible. I am able to work with most common file formats on both Mac and PC, including, .doc, .docx, Pages (Mac), Scrivener, and others.

Every editing contract includes an up to one hour video meeting before beginning the edit to introduce ourselves and gain a clear understanding of the scope of the contract and desired outcomes, plus an up to one hour video meeting on submission of suggested changes, to discuss the changes and logic behind any suggestions. (I do also offer video training sessions for writers wishing to develop their skills. – See Author Coaching)

Author Coaching

Your story is just that, your story, and only you can put those words to paper (or computer keyboard).

The purpose of Author coaching is not to write your story for you, but to give you the tools to present your words in a way that will best display your author skills and most appeal to your target audience.

Coaching courses are targeted towards the skills you most need to gain, for example, point of view, active vs passive voice, or most common grammar errors.

All coaching is on an individual quotation basis, after review of a short example of your writing.

Video meetings can be held using Webex, Zoom, Facetime, or other apps upon request.

Website Design

if you intend to write and successfully sell more than a single book, you need to attract readers to your work and encourage them to purchase each new book upon release.

While author pages on the likes of Amazon, and Smashwords help, there is no substitute for a well designed author page.

Should you be successful enough to gain a publishing contract spanning multiple books, your readers and fans will expect you to have an author ‘home’ where they can learn about you, browse your full catalog, and perhaps sign up for your mailing list.

An author web site becomes your digital home where you invite your readers in, and share about yourself only as much as you wish to.

I can assist with the registration of your domain name, design your site, and arrange professional hosting.

Once completed, the site is yours to own for as long as you wish. You can choose to retain me to update the site with your new content and keep the site up to date with the latest security (not everyone out in digital land is nice), or you can take over full control of the site and its content.

Training on site update and development is provided prior to handover.

Robert Roughton agreed to edit my manuscript, my first effort.  I cannot speak too highly of the professional, courteous, sympathetic and diligent way he nursed me through the process. He contacted me frequently to ask about certain sections of the MS advising me that this or that was not clear, and he suggested small alterations which made all the difference to the clarity of my text.

I would not hesitate to recommend him as an editor, first class! I have other  MS in the pipeline and hope that he would agree to edit those as well.

Feedback from RM (UK)

I would like to thank Robert Roughton for reading and editing my manuscript. He responded back quickly and professionally. I was impressed by how he added some character to my writing. My first book “Rae of Hope” will be out shortly and I’m very excited. I hope to work with Robert again on my next book.  Thank you again for all your help.

Feedback from RS (USA)

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