I offer the following services:

Spelling and Grammar Editing

Your manuscript will be checked for spelling and grammar errors only, in your chosen English (US, UK, Aus, NZ).

Full Edit

Your manuscript will be edited for spelling, grammar, active/passive voice, and overuse of words. phrases and dialog tags plus other ‘readability’ errors.

Author Coaching

Choose from multiple levels and lengths of coaching covering many aspects of fiction, non-fiction, or screenwriting.

Author Web Site Design

An author website is essential to promote your growing catalog. Designs can be simple or complex, including e-commerce functions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why hire an editor?

Even multiple award winning authors retain an editor as part of their publishing journey.

When we write, we focus on getting our thoughts on record, and no matter how many times we review we have a tendency to read what we assume we wrote, missing spelling and grammar errors.

Do I need an author web page??

An author web page is highly recommended as your digital author home. You can share as little or as much as you wish about yourself and your authorly journey.

What is coaching?

Author coaching is tailored to each individual, addressing opportunities to improve your story telling, and the presentation of your thoughts on ‘paper’.

Do you publish my book?

No, I do not offer publishing services. While editing your book is an essential step towards publishing your masterpiece, there are others necessary to ensure your greatest chance of success.

Consider the following:

Do you already have a cover design, will you need one designed for you?
Will you need assistance to format your book?
Will you be self-publishing on a platform such as Amazon?
Do you wish to approach a traditional publisher?

While I do not offer these services, I can recommend a reputable publisher to assist with some or all.

Free Consultation

Complete the request form for a free, no obligation consultation.

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